To Those Who Think They Can’t

To Those Who Think They Can’t

It’s been a long and challenging eight months, hasn’t it? The pandemic has been unpredictable, frustrating, and discouraging. And on top of everything going on in your world, sometimes it’s been too much.

And then the gym opened! You were feeling ready to get back in until you realized that all of a sudden it’s been eight months since you:

* Consistently used a barbell or practiced your pull ups.

* Ditto for being motivated to eat well and prioritize your sleep.

And you have long since realized that additional stress has crept its way into your daily vibe and you no longer feel quite like yourself.

If this sounds familiar, don’t worry, it does for me too.

And here we find ourselves in a tough position. The thing that helped you manage your stress, motivated you to eat well, and prioritize yourself more—the elements that brought you closer to feeling your best—now feels like it is receding, or is just too far away. It’s like you are starting all over again.

But here’s a secret: all that work you did way back when has, believe it or not, made you very well equipped to handle these challenges.

You know what it feels like to walk into the gym for the first time, not knowing if you are ready.

You know exactly what it feels like to have the people around you seem so much stronger and fitter than you are. And you know what it feels like to look in the mirror and believe you are far away from the person you want to be.


But you didn’t give into those fears. And that means you also know what it feels like to be welcomed by complete strangers who want nothing more than to share space with you and help you succeed.

 It means that you also know what it’s like to discover you are already infinitely stronger and fitter than you ever thought possible!  And you know the joy of finding out that the changes you committed to are finally starting to add up. You realize you are getting in the best shape of your life.

So I want to remind you that you have been here before. You’ve done this, and I promise you can do it again. And if it feels too big or that too much time has passed, just remember what brought you through the door the first time.

To those who think they can’t: you can. You’ve already proven it. Just Keep Going.

Why EAAs Are Essential For Your Workout

Why Fitness could Save our Souls

The Canadian fitness industry right now is like a ship bobbing along in the stormy North Atlantic.

It’s a modern vessel fueled up, well provisioned, and the will to navigate the choppy waters. The captains on the bridge are in lockstep with one thought: we are built for this.

So why is the coast guard ordering us back to port?
